Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blog Has Moved!

Last year someone stole our gmail account. SOOOOOOO.....I can post but not make any REAL changes to the blog so visit us at It's kind of crazy!

Saturday, August 09, 2008

In the Land of Make Believe

.........the house stays clean , the laundry is done, the fridge and pantry is stocked well and the trash takes it's self out. Well, with a really good IMAGINATION anything is possible. Real truthful moment. Have you ever turned the lights down and shut all the blinds hoping that the kitchen floor wouldn't look as bad and the house looks cleaner. Since Justin has been gone my laundry room light has burnt out and I haven't been able to fully see how much laundry actually piles up before I wash it. This is way out of the ordinary for me because I usually have all the laundry done, folded and put away. Maybe it's time to remove all the light bulbs in the house.

MIA- Well Loved (Worn) Green Fluffy Frog Pillow

We had quite the trying day yesterday. We went to Walmart and the Mall Play Area with our playgroup friends. When we got home we could not find Andrew's comfort frog. He has been carrying that thing around for a year now and once Justin left he will not let it leave his sight.

Nap time..........where is it? I feel guilty and sad. He loves that frog! I called Walmart and noone has turned it in and the mall hasn't gotten back to me. We bought him a brand new red monkey for Christmas that he wants nothing to do with. I hope we find that darn frog! Never thought I would say that but it's his life. In the morning he grabs and hands me his frog, after nap same thing. If you are a parent you know how special these things are. If you see a replica let me know!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Resurrecting the Blog

I recently talked to a great friend of mine and was looking at their family blog. I thought it would be great to start one. Little did I know it's already been going via Justin for over a year. It's also been over a year since he posted.

We've come a long way in a year. We no longer sun bathe at the beach or watch the ocean as we treck up I-5. We now jet to the basement once a month in case nature wants to borrow our house and it's contents. Alec and Aiden (and myself) had to adjust to all kinds of crazy bugs that BITE or STING. We've had plenty of those. I have not yet adjusted to Kansas driving and realize I probably never will. On the up side we love owning our own home and our family is almost always together.

Justin loves KU and we try really hard not to mix ourselves in with the sports fanatics, but that can be an obstacle when they cancel school for a championship game. He is currently taking a vacation in Quantico , Virginia. He is taking long 6-9 mile hikes and playing tag in the woods. I can't find a picture of him but if you visit you can search for him within the sea of green or get a general idea of how his summer vaca is going. He comes home in 7 days but who's counting?

I am holding the fort down. Well I try! It's a nut house instead of a fort. Between teaching Jazzercise and keeping up with all of my children and their activities day runs into night runs into day again. It's tough but someone has to be willing to do it. I'm proud of Justin and want to do what I can to support him (even if my sanity is the price). I am so thankful for the hilarious moments here and there that makes times like these seem not so difficult. And while I love and cherish all of my kids Alec has really stepped up as the man of the house to help mommy out.

Monday, July 30, 2007


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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Beautiful Life

Life is beautiful. All I have to do is cry when I want something and I'll let you figure out what I want. Can you deny this face.
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Sunday, April 29, 2007


i'm not interested in any more new clothes. Does my face look interested at all?
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